Navigating Chronic Illness While Living Around The World w/Functional Medicine Coach Vashti Kanahele
Navigating Chronic Illness While Living Around The World w/Functional Medicine Coach Vashti Kanahele I’m so excited for you to watch this week’s episode of Hormonally Speaking! My guest is my good friend and incredible Functional Medicine Practitioner...
Understanding Sleep Paralysis, Dream Guidance, and Other Cool Spookiness with Ryan Dungan Hurd
Understanding Sleep Paralysis, Dream Guidance, and Other Cool Spookiness with Ryan Dungan Hurd Happy Halloween and almost Day of the Dead! For this week’s episode, I had a chance to chat with my old friend, Ryan Dungan Hurd, who is a master dream researcher. I...
What Setting Boundaries Truly Looks Like & How To Implement Them In Your Life w/Lesley King
What Setting Boundaries Truly Looks Like & How To Implement Them In Your Life w/Lesley King There’s a lot of talk today about needing to set boundaries in our lives, including how doing so (or not doing so) impacts our hormones. But what does that really...
Tapping Into Your Magic To Bring More Money Into Your Life w/Jen Aly
Tapping Into Your Magic To Bring More Money Into Your Life w/Jen Aly This week on the podcast, we are diving into something that I see as a very important part of hormone health: money. Not money in and of itself, but the security and safety that having enough money...