How Estrogen Gene Testing Might Save You From A Breast Cancer Diagnosis with T.J. Hills

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. About 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer during her life.

On this episode of Hormonally Speaking, I’m talking to breast cancer survivor and Author of Amazon Book Bestseller,  “Sex, Drugs, Babies and Breast Cancer: Health Benefits of Estrogen Gene Testing” T.J. Hills.

T.J. and I discuss:

✨ Her story of how she found out she had breast cancer, moved through treatment, and then learned the role of genes in her cancer

✨Which genes impact estrogen metabolism

✨Why Bioresponse DIM may be a better option than regular DIM

✨The role do antioxidants play in estrogen support

✨How the chemicals we have in America are different than other parts of the world and what that means for you

T.J. explains in-depth the genes you need to know that predispose you towards breast cancer, what nutritional supports are needed depending on your genetic results, when xenoestrogens play a bigger role and when they don’t, and SO MUCH MORE!

This is required listening if you have had breast cancer, it runs in your family, or you have a friend facing it.

T.J. Hills is the Author of Amazon Book Bestseller, Sex, Drugs, Babies and Breast Cancer: Health Benefits of Estrogen Gene Testing, published by the Better Estrogen Foundation.

She is an advocate of Estrogen Metabolism Gene Testing as an empowering health tool for all women and a breast cancer prevention tool for those at higher risk. Information about where to obtain testing is at her website.

The book was adapted from her speeches to corporate events, medical conferences and breast cancer and women’s groups. She has also spoken on National TV, radio outlets and podcasts.

A breast cancer patient in remission since 2009, T.J. is a Board Member of the Better Estrogen Foundation,  and Former Board Member of the Estrogen Gene Test Co, and Hormonal Cancer Foundation.

She has spent 30 plus years advising the largest Institutional Investors and Hedge Funds. Inquiries about her availability to speak at an event may be directed to



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