For the last seventeen years, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of change.
Change is the one constant (besides those old standbys, death and taxes). It’s what we must face as human beings every single day that we are on this Earth. Yet I pretty consistently hear the words, “I hate change.” That’s not just people’s irritations talking. While change is the inevitable byproduct of evolution, we are simultaneously wired to crave stability, which is what keeps us protected from all the dangers – both real and perceived – out in the world.
We have a constant battle raging inside of us: desire for something different coming up against the fear of something different. It’s what makes real change so damn hard.
But here’s the thing – change can be a whole lot easier if we have the proper tools.
The proper tools help support us, hold space for us, and transmute energy. They come to our aid, and provide structure when the ground seems to fall out under us. They are reminders that it will be okay as long as we trust, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Something that seems as if would make change easier, but instead makes it much, much harder, is our obsession with always doing.
Doing in life is important, but not any more important than taking a step back and being. They are yin and yang, the feminine and the masculine – one cannot live without the other. If you do for too long, you create disorder and disease that will undoubtedly have negative repercussions on your health.
And you miss out on all that life wants you to receive.
What I hope for you, in your one precious life, is that you learn what makes you tick – and the best way to move through life with a little ease, flow, and play as you get stronger, more self-assured, and more at peace.
Doing this work is not about achieving perfection or the ever elusive ‘balance’.
Nor does it mean falling down the rabbit hole and getting sucked into personal or collective pain. It means diving in, in order to let things rise to the surface, so that they are able to heal. But what can make this process easier, just like cleaning and bandaging wounds in order to help them heal faster, is to have tools that help move you through the process. We all have our good and our bad days. But we can learn how to ride the waves of the tough times with more ease, less blame (of ourselves or others), and a bigger picture view.
Self-acceptance is the key to getting what you truly want
Without accepting where you are at this moment, it is impossible to move forward. We’ll explore what it means to hold two seemingly opposing forces at the same time: being in the moment while creating your future. It’s a juicy, magnetic, enlivening experience to balance the two.
You will choose one or two main goals that you will work to manifest throughout the program. Manifestation is about much more than meets the eye, and we’ll explore the secret practices to ‘crack the code’ – and you’ll be amazed at all the lessons you learn about yourself along the way.
Part of my life’s mission is to help raise women up. I provide the tools to connect to your purpose and jump to YOUR next level. I act as the bridge between your current state of gridlock and your grander, more dynamic life.
Here's what Metamorphosis offers:
During our time together, we’ll carve out a warm, inviting, soul-inspiring sacred space for YOU. This program is geared towards all those who identify as women. During this time, you’ll:
- Find and express your purpose, which resides in the crevices of your soul, in the inner workings of your DNA. You’ll learn the formula of how to do this for the rest of your life, because you will continue growing and your purpose can shift and change.
- You’ll learn how your mind works, and what you can do to change course when it seems to be working against you.
- You’ll deepen your connection to your body, and become highly attuned to the messages it’s constantly sending you, but you’re often too busy to hear.
- You’ll gain knowledge of the ‘invisible’ energy that guides life, and how to work it to shift your mood AND change course.
- And you’ll learn how to blend all of these together to achieve the HELL out of your dreams.

Create a different relationship with yourself
We use a variety of movements, techniques, and healing modalities to clear the path to your best self, and deepen your drive to getting there.
After 10+ years of working with these tools separately, I have synthesized them in order to build a foundation you can always return to, no matter where you find yourself in life. There is a cyclical flow from the mind to the body to the soul, where the tools to better self-understanding build on each other:
Mind Body Energy Soul
What do we need more than just about anything in the world right now? Community. A band of sisters. A place you can go to feel held, supported, and loved. You deserve this most special gift.
Having a group of people that you can count on to be there every week, that you can bounce ideas off of, go through hardships with, cry, scream, laugh from the depth of your gut, who are committed to holding the space for you to find your best self as you help them find theirs is absolutely priceless. A lot can happen in three months when you have a group of people to see you through.

Metamorphosis Program
Dates: Wednesdays, Jan. 10th-March 28th, 2018, 6-7:30pm
Fridays, Jan. 12th-March 30th, 2018, 10-11:30am
Place: Colourfield, 54 Ravenscroft Dr.
Celebrating ourselves as we learn and grow:
- Metamorphosis Ritual Groove to warm us up each time we meet
- Create a guided visualization with YOUR voice, which helps stimulate faster and larger shifts within you
- Developing your own EFT ritual for your specific purpose
- You’ll be provided with a simple astrological natal chart and basic information about it
- Learn how to use your chakras for beneficial growth
- Keys to personal bodywork that will change the way your body feels
- Plenty of opportunities to share YOUR gifts with the group
- You’ll leave with concrete plans to take your gifts out into the world!