Quiz Answer: Perimenopause
Congratulations! You are most likely entering – or have entered – perimenopause.
I know not everyone is super excited to find themselves in this time of their life, but it’s providing the perfect opportunity for you to really hone in and focus on your body’s signals, as they will begin to become louder and louder.
This time of life usually includes heavier bleeding during your period, skipped periods and/or long chunks of time between your period, worsening PMS, and possibly the growth of fibroids, ovarian cysts, or fibrocystic breasts. The era usually kicks off with higher anxiety and less sleep, and then other symptoms follow.
The best thing to do for perimenopause is first and foremost, understand what your hormones do and how they work. Then you want to be able to test your hormones to see your baseline. All of this is covered in my Hormones 101: Intro To The Menstrual Cycle course.
Already know a decent amount about your hormones, but you are ready to dive in and really empower yourself in your hormone health? Then you’re probably ready for our signature program, Hormone Breakthrough Blueprint (join the waitlist for now, and be the first to know when the next session opens up!).
Also, here are more resources in our public library:
Perimenopause: What It Means And What’s Happening To You
My Top 5 Rules for Perimenopause
How To Work With Middle Perimenopause (Ages 45ish-48ish)
Best Practices For Early Perimenopause