Super Heavy Periods? Here’s Some Relief

Photo: Photo by Spencer Imbrock
Please note: This is a guest post from Sara Lopez, Womenʼs Health Coach + Certified Hormone Specialist. She is hosting an International Adenomyosis Summit on May 25th-30th. You can sign up for free here!
So many times I have wondered how Iʼm going to make it through another day with my heavy period. I always panic at some point and think Iʼm going to die. I paste on a smile for my work day and pretend Iʼm fine as the room spins. I am usually left with clothes I have leaked on to clean. I became a womenʼs health coach to figure out what to do about it and to help others do the same.
I have worked with countless women that have tried the pill, synthetic hormones, and the Mirena to stop heavy periods and these either had too many negative side effects or were not effective. I stopped taking the pill continuously because it no longer was controlling my heavy bleeding. Sometimes we try everything, nothing works, and we get to a point where we are completely desperate.
First, it is so important to find out what the cause of your heavy periods is through proper diagnosis by a medical professional. Common causes of heavy periods include:
. Adenomyosis
. Endometriosis
. Low progesterone
. Thyroid issues
. Fibroids or polyps
. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
In addition to conventional medical treatments for heavy periods, natural Go Toʼs for Heavy Periods nourish your body, balance your hormones, and do not cause unwanted side effects.
- First, take a nap! When you have heavy periods and youʼre low on iron you need extra time for your body to rest and regenerate. Donʼt fight it!
- Heal your gut so you can absorb iron. When you have digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea, you canʼt absorb the iron you take because most iron is absorbed in our small intestine. Here is a blog post about bloating and digestive issues related to adenomyosis and endometriosis.
- Take a high quality, highly absorbable iron with co factors (nutrients and vitamins) B vitamins and vitamin C because it is better for your digestive system than regular iron. I love Ferrasorb by Thorne for itʼs ability to raise both ferritin and hemoglobin levels. Vitamin C increases iron absorption so eating iron rich foods with foods high in vitamin C ups your levels. Clams have three times the amount of iron as a steak!
- Drink nettle tea (or nettle capsules). Nettles are a plant that have kept me going. They support your adrenal glands, thyroid, and liver and are high in both iron and vitamin C. They support your liver in balancing estrogen levels. Nettles are a blood builder and gentle detoxifier. The best part is they decrease menstrual flow a lot.
- Acupuncture. Acupuncture helps you bounce back quicker after heavy periods. For some women with adenomyosis and endometriosis it has completely improved heavy bleeding and pelvic pain. Our beliefs are powerful. Believe your symptoms can improve. According to a Chinese clinical research study at the 3rd Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, 23 adenomyosis patients had significant improvement with acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Twenty-three cases were treated; in 16 cases adenomyosis symptoms completely disappeared, 7 cases were improved and 0 cases were ineffective, the total effective rate was 100%.
Photo: Eiliv-Sonas Aceron
- Ginger. 250mg of ginger three times a day has been shown to reduce heavy bleeding and improve digestion while youʼre at it! It is a strong anti inflammatory and anti prostaglandin that is proven to be as effective as NSAIDS like Advil.
- Cinnamon. 2 caps twice a day at 420 mg has been shown to lower nausea and diarrhea associated with painful periods, pelvic pain, and heavy bleeding. Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, an antispasmodic, and eugenol which stops the biosynthesis of prostaglandins and reduces inflammation. Since it relaxes the smooth muscle tissues in the pelvis, it also relaxes the smooth muscle in our digestive tract.
- Valerian. Itʼs an anti spasmodic for menstrual cramps and helps you sleep. Taking 255mg of valerian for the 1st three days of your period lessens stabbing and aching cramps.
- Pomegranate and raw carrots. They are estrogen modulating and hormone balancing foods that help lower too high estrogen levels, preventing pelvic flare ups. Pomegranates contain compounds that attach themselves to an estrogen receptor so there is no room for the harmful type of estrogen that worsens heavy periods.
- Work with a good pelvic floor physical therapist, medical professional (e.g. functional medicine doctor), and womenʼs health coach. The fascia in our pelvic floor can become dehydrated and shortened causing some areas of our pelvic floor to be too tight while others are too loose. A pelvic PT can work with you to find balance by strengthening and loosening different areas.
While the average doctorʼs visit is only 11 minutes long, a womenʼs health coach can support you in creating health goals and holding you accountable to them, while co creating a clear, step by step plan to improve symptoms holistically.
Have you tried or would you like to try any of these for heavy period relief? Iʼd love to hear from you.
Sara Lopez is a Womenʼs Health Coach + Certified Hormone Specialist with a focus in adenomyosis, endometriosis, and heavy periods. She does consultations with women around the world to support brave beauties in improving their worst symptoms holistically. Find her at her website.