Signs That Your Progesterone Is Low
Signs That Your Progesterone Is Low I see a lot of women beginning to understand that perimenopause starts a lot earlier than we’ve generally been taught (yay!). But they still aren’t getting the message of why symptoms are happening, and what to look for (boo). The...
Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Is Safe & Good For You
Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Is Safe & Good For You One thing I can count on is the look of shock and/or fright when I tell a new client they’ll most likely need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), if not now, then at some point...
Why Protein Is Essential For Good Hormone Health
Why Protein Is Essential For Good Hormone Health If you’ve hung around here for more than a few minutes, you probably know how I feel about protein. After being a vegetarian for 2 years, followed by 7 years of veganism, my health and hormones took a huge...