EFT For Heavy Bleeding

EFT For Heavy Bleeding

EFT For Heavy Bleeding Do you deal with heavy bleeding during your period? Does your bleeding last longer than you’d like? While there are physical reasons this is happening, a lot of emotions can rise to the surface and make the situation worse. This EFT...
Signs That Your Progesterone Is Low

Signs That Your Progesterone Is Low

Signs That Your Progesterone Is Low I see a lot of women beginning to understand that perimenopause starts a lot earlier than we’ve generally been taught (yay!). But they still aren’t getting the message of why symptoms are happening, and what to look for (boo). The...
Why Protein Is Essential For Good Hormone Health

Why Protein Is Essential For Good Hormone Health

Why Protein Is Essential For Good Hormone Health If you’ve hung around here for more than a few minutes, you probably know how I feel about protein. After being a vegetarian for 2 years, followed by 7 years of veganism, my health and hormones took a huge...
Super Heavy Periods? Here’s Some Relief

Super Heavy Periods? Here’s Some Relief

Super Heavy Periods? Here’s Some Relief Please note: This is a guest post from Sara Lopez, Womenʼs Health Coach + Certified Hormone Specialist. She is hosting an International Adenomyosis Summit on May 25th-30th. You can sign up for free here! So many times I...

What's Your Hormone Issue? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out!


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