How Enzymes Can Help Nearly Any Health Issue with Dr. Ellen Cutler

Did you know that enzymes are a necessary and powerful part of your overall health?

Unfortunately, many of us aren’t producing the amount of enzymes we need, and we are no longer getting enough from food, either.

On today’s episode, I’m chatting with Dr. Ellen Cutler, who explains why enzymes are so important, how even eating organic food doesn’t mean you are absorbing nutrients well, why organ-specific detoxification is so important, and so much more. You’ll also learn:

-How much of our water is now considered toxic
-Why toxicity makes us feel more stressed, and how trauma impacts our digestion
-All the reasons why digestive enzymes are necessary for everyone
-How you can prevent kidney issues and UTIs
-About testing how to determine which enzymes are best for your body

Dr. Cutler has so much amazing information to share from her vast experience in the wellness field, and you’ll glean so much from this interview:

Dr. Ellen Cutler is a bestselling author and an internationally recognized teacher, public speaker, and media spokesperson. Her books include “MicroMiracles — Discover the Healing Power of Enzymes,” now available in a revised, expanded edition. She has a chiropractic degree and specializes in the use of desensitization to food and other sensitivities, gentle detoxification, and enzyme and nutritional therapies for chronic conditions that have perplexed the conventional medical establishment. This is all addressed in her revolutionary healing technique ECM (Ellen Cutler Method). Connect with her at her website.

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